Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Life as we see it....

Hello to all, this posting is slightly different from what I have been submitting so far – its not related to my Career or my political viewpoints – I would like to talk more on my personal front. The changes that have happened due to reasons that many of us have well experienced treading along the path of life – Education, job, commitments. I still remember my pre-engineering days, I had a very well set motto in my life. Good College = good Job = Good life. I did my level best and got into one of the well known engineering colleges. I liked playing video games and owning cool electronic gadgets. But none of them could change my mind to take either computer science or Electronics and telecommunication. I was very strong headed to take Mechanical Engineering – as I considered that branch to be the ‘Mother of all Engineering Branches’. Now I know this statement will offend lot of my non-mecho readers, but here is my theory behind it. Mechanical engineering is based on the core principles of Physics. And all matter are bound to follow the laws of Physics. Even the electrons in the circuit boards of Computers, follow the law of physics (Electron-bond, Molecular attractions – that make up matter, everything. Wheel was the greatest invention after fire. As these are all from Physics and Mechanical Engineering is nothing but technical study of Physics, everything after that comes from Mechanical engineering– so there you go folks- no hard feelings now eh?. So got into to Mechanical Engineering – and had a very straightforward funda there after – pass every year without a Back(Bombay version of this is A.T.K.T – Allowed to Keep term, Northern folks call it as a supplementary) and If you can get a first class then nothing like it. Well, people from outside the Coveted (ha!) Mumbai University would know how big off an accomplishment even that can be – completing engineering in 4 years flat. So studied enough to get cleared off every semester. In all of the hassles like submissions, prelim exams, Orals and Practical and finally the dreaded final paper – life was somewhat simple and straightforward. Then came the time when I came over the US – Here is where it all starts to get tougher (read-interesting). Lived with flat-mates, so the good side was that every day was a party day. The bad side was, you think you know people for a long time, but when you start living with them, you see that they are totally a different person. Especially where there are “Gurlsss” involved in the scene – I’m not saying there was scenario of “Do Maali ek Phool” (For all my Non-Hindi speaking readers it means 2 guys interested in one dame). Then there are tensions of getting a job – but not the same as getting a job back home in India. Here in US if you don’t get a job, then basically you are packing your bags soon for good – so time was very crucial. Finally you do get a job (Read my post on Indians outside India). Then what ? Then you bump into someone interesting (ah..a twist in the plot). Then starts the real stuff, the first few days are the most magical of them. You realize that what you would have been without this person. You reach the milestone of first anniversary of being together, this is quite a feat – trust me. It’s like breaking a free willed horse and putting a saddle on his back. You are conditioned slowly but surely. Questions of who gives up what to make this move forward start to pop up. And to add this up – throw in the parents elements (Now the plot becomes more Indian Centric - As most of Westerner friends will find it hard to co-relate from this point on coming from the western culture). You go to your parents, tell them that you like this girl, they will say a yes again with some conditions to it. Going forward from this point, from the time of becoming a domesticated mammal – you will become (you better) a balancing personified fulcrum. Balancing between the parent’s and the wants of the love of your life. You think that you can keep both the parties happy – then you are greatly dilusioned. Wait – I forgot the best of it all – if one of you wants to go back in the long run and the other doesn’t. Then you are looking at a blockbuster in the making, but don’t know with a happy or a Sad ending. While I write this I smile and think back how my life was back then and what changes happened now. It’s not bad honestly – but complicated? – Yes. I’m sure there are many people out there who experience this in their own life (and my probability becomes more accurate with the folks from the age group of 25-30). In this post, I’m not trying to say that I don’t want to take any commitment of life. But I ponder upon the well known thought that, you don’t always get what you expect – You want ‘The Girl’ then she will come with her own package of goodies – some you will like, some you will have to like. There can’t be everything coming your way. Well for those who do I’m willing to bet my money that they are all still single and unhappy. Does that mean that you can only be happy if you are willing to give up something? I think that’s the very essence of life……